The Blog That Yost Built has the scoop on the new hockey band seats, although the link to the USCHO thread is broken as of this writing.

The band has been tucked between sections 22 and 1 since 2002. Before that, they were in the upper half of section 20. Section 19 is next to (some of) the students.
Increasing the band by 30 and dropping them under the upper deck will have interesting acoustical effects. It could be raucously loud, or it could just be confusing and noisy. Either way, the addition of 30 students is a welcome change, sure to make an already intimidating venue considerably more so. And while it's assumed that the new director will not be allowed to dance, he will be more easily able to hear the students' polite requests for him to do so should the right circumstances arise.
It is unfortunate that the current climate discourages the directors of the athletic bands from having a little fun while they are working. After all, pep is part of the profession. Who requested this change originally again?
It's fantastic to hear that the band might be returning to nearly the same size it was before they moved to that awful location.
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