Tuesday, September 01, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

As the season starts on Saturday, I thought I would take a moment to put down some thoughts on the beginning of the season. Not on the team, because well, I don't do well with player analysis or schematic breakdown, so instead, I am going to put down my thoughts on what I resolve to do this season as a Michigan fan. So with that in mind, here are my new year's resolutions (with occasional tangents!)

  • I hereby resolve to explain where we were for three months. (Yeah, um, life sort of got in the way. Sorry about that.)
  • I hereby resolve to remember to charge my cell phone when I get home on Friday night so it's fully ready to go for game day. (Between the Twittering and the efforts to check ESPN's scores from the stands, having a full battery is vitally important and each of the last three seasons, I have had at least one game where I went in with a undercharged battery and cursed myself for the failure.)

  • I hereby resolve to no longer call Nick Sheridan "Death" or "Sheridon't" or "Sheridammit" (He doesn't deserve it and I made my case as to why at MGoBlog earlier.)

  • I hereby resolve to do my best to save the Eagle and the art deco letters for the completed renovation. (Yeah, this one may be tougher than I thought.)
  • I hereby resolve to remember that these guys put in at least six hours (and probably many many more) during the week for every hour we see them on Saturday. (Yeah, I think we covered that yesterday.)
  • I hereby resolve to remember that one Brandon good, two Brandons better.
  • I hereby resolve to make at least one good Mystery Science Theater 3000 reference per game. (Try it, it really does make the game go a lot better. A personal long time favorite: "Good morning Doctor Meachem. Hope you slept well....'cause it's time to die!")
  • I hereby resolve to donate money to Brian Cook at MGoBlog because he not only deserves it, but he earns it. (Besides, that way you can use AdBlock and not feel guilty for taking money out of Brian's pocket. I recommend either $18.17 or $24.12. If you're going to donate, why not have some fun with it.)
  • I hereby resolve to use MVictors provisioning guide as a good place to start.
  • I hereby resolve not to even attempt to pick any fights with people in the seats around us and to let things go if they try.
  • I hereby resolve to remember that 2008 was bad, so that things can look better in 2009, even when they don't.
  • I hereby resolve to be very happy that Michigan Stadium now has Coke Zero and not give in to the temptation of regular Coke during the game.
  • I hereby resolve to support M-Den and its awesome Twitter feed.
  • I hereby resolve to add the Block M twibbon to my Twitter avatar. (OK, I made this, but still an awesome way to support the Maize and Blue I think.)
  • I hereby resolve to completely rework MGoMix for 2009 so that the demons of 2007 and 2008 can be exorcised in that sense (I will miss you "America, F--- Yeah" but it had to be done.) (Full play list post next week.)
  • I hereby resolve to use CoverItLive for Whatever This Is, because, well, it's so much easier. (I also promise to not go ape-poopy if the CILs at MGoBlog go poorly.)
  • I hereby resolve to not obsess about Michigan's recruiting class, especially as it now hits amazingly close to home.
  • I am sure there will be more things as the season goes on and I am sure I will break about half of these by the time the Eastern game rolls around, but you have to start somewhere, no?

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